Books that 5V Students Have Read

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Reviewed by Vishwesh)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

By J.K Rowling


“ I belong in your world-Hogwarts “ said Harry. I am going to talk about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is not that bad.

The genre of this book is fiction, because it has many things that can’t happen in real life. In this book there is a boy named Harry Potter, a house elf named Dobby (you will learn what that is if you read the book) told him to not go to school because dangerous things will happen there. What will happen? Read to find out.

This book has some strengths and some weaknesses. I can think of two weaknesses and a strength. First of all I will talk about the weakness that the book is too long for some people and too short for others. It was too long for me, for example it took e about a month to read it. It was too short for my brother, for example he reads books twice the size of this book. Second of all is a strength that is it is not too boring. I didn’t abandon it, because it wasn’t too bad. Third of all is the weakness that the movie is so popular you probably already watched it. I watched the movie before I read the book, it was popular. If you watched the movie it won’t be that exciting, that’s why this is a weakness.

I recommend this book to third, fourth, and fifth graders because it is too short for sixth grade and above and too long for second grade and below. Also second grades wouldn’t know words like timid and sympathetic. I also recommend this book to people who read the first book (Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone). That is all I got to say about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

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