Books that 5V Students Have Read

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fire: Reviewed by Teddy

David is a 20 year old tenant living Liz Penny kettle’s house. Liz is a potter that makes clay dragons and sells them. Her daughter Lucy is obsessed with squirrels and asks David to catch one for her. Eventually strange things start happening like the fact that Liz doesn’t even use a kiln or that dragons keep moving. Whenever Lucy tries to say something, her mom cuts her off. What are those two hiding?
This story is fiction because clay dragons cannot come alive. David wants to know what the pennykettle’s are hiding. But they won’t tell him the truth. So he investigates the dragons and finds out that they are alive.
A strength of this story is that it has more than one plotline. For example, when I would get tired of one plotline, another would come up. A weakness of this story is that it gets really slow and would talk about every single day. For example, David would type a few paragraphs of his story, go do his laundry, and go out to lunch.
I recommend this book to people under 13 because it has a lot of little kid concept and jokes. I rate this book three stars.
The Fire Within

Teddy 4-18-10 15 reading

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