Books that 5V Students Have Read

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pandora Gets Jealous (Reviewed by Anusha)

Pandora Gets Jealous

'Dear Principal Diogenes.

I am very sorry I released evil into the world yesterday during the school project. My dad has grounded me for three moons, and I'll miss the Spring Bacchanalia. But I deserve it.

My mother won't be at my parent/master conference next week because Zeus turned her into a pile of ashes (again).

Please don't expel me.

If I had known any of this would happen, I would have brought my dad's liver




daughter of prometheus of Athens

Maiden, Master Epeus's Class………………'

The genre of the story is Fantasy Fiction because the events and people aren't real……sort of (they are the mythical Greek Gods and characters). The story

is about Pandora and a box (which holds the evils that bring sorrow) and how she goes on a quest to find them and put back into the box. Its a very good book and I think you should read it!

I would say that this is a very good book and only has one weakness. It has a bit too much sadness in it. For example, some of the evils are so bad it makes people go insane. It is so sad. But on the bright side. Pandora is going to fix it! A strength is that it has a lot of Greek Mythology in it (which is great because it's a taste of another culture!). For example, the Greek Gods are in it such as: Posieden, Zeus, Athena,Artemis,Apollo, Hephestes; etc. Another strength is tithe events. They are just so exciting that your like 'Please! Just one more page!' For example, there was one part with the Harpies where you're like 'I'm scared to find out what happens next! Oh, but I HAVE to find out what happens next!' and you WILL DEFINITELY POSITIVELY turn the page. One more strength was that it was that it wasn't some boring greek mythology book. It was a a fun, exciting, great book! For example, I doubt that a boring greek mythology book would have Pandora go on a journey with two BFFs: a girl with three legs and a girl with wriggly spots on her skin!

READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I'd recommend this book to a good reader, probably 3rd and up, because it's a bit long. Something that made this a great book to read was the adventure. For example, IT'S 1 BIG BOOK WITH BREATH-TAKING EVENTS!!!!!!!! Good enough for you? Good….now read the book!

Rating: *****= 5 STAR BOOK!

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