Books that 5V Students Have Read

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Tail of Emily Windsnap (Reviewed by Samantha)

The Tail of Emily Windsnap

By: Liz Kessler

When you first swam in the water did your legs turn into a tail and become a mermaid. No? I think not.

This book is about a girl who has never swum in the water until middle school. Why you ask? Well her mom’s afraid of water but it’s weird because they live on a boat. Finally her mom lets her take swim lessons in middle school. But when she goes in the water her legs stick together. When she figures out she’s a mermaid she finds out her dad is a mermaid! But he left after she was born! Now she is on a miraculous journey to get him out of jail! This story is fantasy fiction because there is mermaids and magic and those don’t exist.

This book had many strengths and a weakness. One strength is that the book was interesting. An example is when Emily’s mom told her about a dream about a boat and then Emily swam in the water at night and saw a boat like in the dream. It’s interesting because if her mom had a dream and it happened something weird is going on. Another reason it‘s strong is that some parts are written in a way that makes you want to read more. For example when the book starts it doesn’t just introduce everyone in the boring way like “my friend is Shona.” They do a whole event about when Emily meets Shona. Lastly it is strong because it’s a believable story like when Emily figures out her dad’s a mermaid. For example in most stories it would say “Emily had a vision that her dad was a mermaid.” But is this story she finds files about her dad under water! Now do you understand this book is strong!?

One weakness is that they should have expanded the storyline more. An example is when Emily has to go to court because she got in trouble. The court scene could have been longer. If it was longer the details would show and details make a story more elaborate.

I really recommend this book. I recommend it because it is interesting, keeps you wanting to read more and believable. I recommend this to 4th to 6th graders because it is a high level book. Read it!

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